HEINZMANN Company Group

Engine & Turbine Management

HEINZMANN Electric Drives
Robust electric motors

Control & Actuation

HEINZMANN Automation
Marine Automation

Gas & Water Turbine Control

Steam Turbine Control

CPK Automotive
Emission Control

Giro Engineering
Diesel Engine Components

Oil Mist Separators and Blow-by Filter Technology


Thinking in control & monitoring

REGULATEURS EUROPA has been producing traction governors and controls for over 70 years. These are operational in many types and manufacture of locomotive worldwide; including Australia, China, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Syria, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United Kingdom.

Governor Replacement

UECC PCTC vessel equipped with TRINO condition monitoring system from REGULATEURS EUROPAREGULATEURS EUROPA is successfully replacing mechanical-hydraulic governors from any manufacturer with digital Viking Governing Systems. Mechanical-hydraulic governors by their nature suffer from heating effects and internal wear.

The reduction in maintenance has been proven to finance the procurement of the new equipment. The electronic controls have also meant that speed and load control settings have proven to be more repeatable than its mechanical-hydraulic predecessors. Viking Traction governors can be tailored to interface with any locomotive speed setting and load control arrangement.


Locomotive Governing Systems

UECC PCTC vessel equipped with TRINO condition monitoring system from REGULATEURS EUROPAREGULATEURS EUROPA offers a range of both mechanical-hydraulic governors and microprocessor-based governing systems to suit locomotive applications.

REGULATEURS EUROPA has extended their scope of supply to include sophisticated remote monitoring systems and cab controls.

In Practise